1296 Pacific Blvd Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2V1 Tel. 604.633.2474 | Fax. 604.633.2475
Links & Articles

For optimum Health and Wellness information, click the links/articles below:

BC Health Guide and Resources: Provides links to credible sources of information by topic. www.healthlinkBC.ca
Health Canada website: Responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health. www.health.gov.bc.ca
Health Canada website: Useful tips and resources to quit smoking. www.quitnow.ca
Nurse online resource: www.health.justanswer.com
Caring for Kids. Canadian Pediatric Society: Health resources for taking care of your beloved little ones. www.caringforkids.cps.ca
Publication: “Baby’s Best Chance” www.hls.gov.bc.ca/publications/year
Info for Disease control and Prevention. CDC: Topics on immunizations, vaccines and Travel Medicine, to keep you healthy. www.cdc.gov www.bccdc.ca www.immunizebc.ca
Women's Health Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada: Health information resources for optimal women's health. www.sogc.org
Publication: The sensible guide to a healthy pregnancy. www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/hp-gs/guide-eng.php
BC Cancer Agency. Public and patient information: Provides comprehensive information on types and treatments for cancer patients and the public, with links to further resources. www.bccancer.bc.ca
Mental Health: Patient resource for mental health www.mindcheck.ca
Medical Services Plan. BC Ministry of Health: Information for applying for your BC CareCard and other resources. www.health.gov.bc.ca
Your Yaletown neighbourhood: Your one stop place about this trendy urban community and all it has to offer. Home of Yaletown Medical Clinic and the Pacific Wellness Centre. www.yaletowninfo.com

Clinic Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm
Sat-Sun: 10am-5pm
Closed Statutory Holidays

Please note operating hours may vary depending on patient volume and physician availability.